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ePiPancancer  service utilizes cutting-edge DNA methylation technology, capable of detecting 33 different types of cancer in one go. By analyzing the methylation patterns in DNA, it provides significant support for the early detection and diagnosis of cancer.

Features and Benefits:

  • Advanced Technology: Uses DNA methylation analysis for the precise detection of 33 types of cancer.
  • Early Detection: Helps in discovering potential cancers without obvious symptoms, improving the chances of successful treatment.
  • Broad Application: Covers a wide range of cancer types, offering solutions for diverse customer needs.

***** Please contact customer service for the correct testing price.

  • Early Detection of Cancer Can Save Life and Preven

    Many cancers are detected late. And late detection of cancer results in increased morbidity and death.

    Current biomarkers lack sensitivity and specificity to detect cancer early. Available biomarkers and diagnostic methods are invasive; can’t be used for follow-up of healthy population.


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