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DNA methylation is a chemical mark on DNA

DNA methylation is a chemical mark that is added to DNA at different positions during gestation. DNA methylation is part of the “epigenetic” program of our genes. When DNA methylation happens at several important positions in genes, it can silence the function of the gene. This is how the same gene can be expressed or silenced in different cells in our body.

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DNA methylation a binary code for programming DNA

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If we imagine that our DNA is a mini  computer running our cells then :

• By measuring methylation in these genes it is possible to determine our biological age.

• Our biological age is a better measure of our health and well being than chronological age.

• Studies show that acceleration of " DNA methylation age" is a predictor of early death and chronic disease.

• Experiments in an animals show that it is possible to reverse the biological clock by dietary changes.

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Each tissue is properly programmed to ensure our health and well being. Each cell type has its unique combination of methylation marks and as a consequence a unique combination of genes that are active and silent.

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Changes in DNA methylation alter the way cells and tissues operate and can convert a healthy tissue to a diseased tissue.

More than three decades ago Szyf has suggested that changes in DNA methylation would cause diseases such as cancer.

Therefore, DNA methylation is a great platform for detecting and treating disease.

Studies from the laboratory of Szyf at McGill University showed that one can reverse cancer in an animal model by blocking the protein that adds methylation groups to DNA. This has been replicated by many studies since.

More recently Szyf has shown that by examining DNA methylation in white blood cells, it is possible to detect liver cancer early.

Changes in DNA methylation can cause disease

Mapping DNA methylation changes could detect disease

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The environment can cause changes in DNA methylation

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Studies  by Jirtle and his colleagues in 2004 showed in a mouse model that maternal diet during pregnancy affects DNA methylation of her offspring and change their coat color and risk of obesity and other conditions.

Studies by Szyf, Weaver, Meaney and colleagues discovered that maternal care and behavior affects DNAmethylation of her offspring and how they react to stress later in life.

These studies launched
the fields of behavioral epigenetics and epigenetic psychiatry.

These discoveries provided the first evidence that both psychological and physical environments can affect DNA methylation.

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DNA methylation is potentially reversible by both physical and behavioral interventions

DNA Methylation and the Epigenetic Clock

• Studies suggest that different environmental changes can change or reverse DNAmethylation events.

• Thus, the potential is  that we might be able to change DNA methylation by lifestyle changes.

• Our optimism about DNA methylation derives from the fact that DNA methylation in
difference from genetics is reversible.

• By measuring methylation in these genes, it is possible to determine our biological age

• Our biological age is a better measure of our health and well-being than chronological age.

• Studies show that acceleration of " DNA methylation age" predicts early death and chronic disease.

• Experiments in animals show that it is possible to reverse the biological clock by dietary changes.

A paradigm shift in the search for biological age markers has happened with the discovery of the “epigenetic clock” by Horvath.

It was discovered that the level of methylation of certain genes in our DNA changes as we age.

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For very long period of time, genetics was thought to be the only factor determining everything of life. We found that epigenetics is providing another layer of control on life over genetics through our research.

Every cells of our body has the same genetic composition. It is epigenetics directing cell fate and driving them to form different body parts.

Human genome is like the hardware of the command centre of life. Epigenetics is the software controlling the operation of life.

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Epigenetics controls the function of DNA through DNA methylation.

Once a methyl group is added to cytosine of DNA through the function of SAM and DNMT, it’s function is switched off.

Epigenetics is also responsible for protecting us from cancer. If epigenetics went wrong, cells can grown in an uncontrolled manner and become cancerous.

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